Δευτέρα 13 Ιουλίου 2015

The merchant of Fear ...

I remember a dark yet sweet night once, in our little house in the countryside. Only the stars revealed their past outside in the veranda, where my son and I were sitting. My son was reading a science fiction book-one of his favourite - and I had emptied my head, I had become one with divine Nature. There was neither past nor future then. There was only the present, where thought is absent.
All of a sudden, my son sprang up shouting: “Look at the lights coming from the sky at a great speed right upon us. They are UFOs, Father. They are coming to kidnap us.” My son’s voice brought me back to the field of thought. In fact, the lights were approaching quickly and our fear increased and turned into panic. When they came very close, the bright lights dispersed in the dark.
We remained silent for a while. After pulling myself together, I thought they could have been meteorites, shooting stars or bolides. That’s what our teacher taught   us at school but we didn’t pay much attention those days.
During the silence, a crazy idea occurred to me –earlier in my life I had been a merchant and I had a sound business. The economic crisis, however, left my merchandise unsold and I went bankrupt. I closed down my venture. So I thought of investing in fear. It is always fresh and you don’t have to stock up.  Moreover, no capitals are needed. Not only the politicians but also heads of churches all over the world have invested in it and they have grown rich. I will follow their path and I plan to exceed their riches and glory. One thing is for sure: the more the fear increases, the fatter my bank account will be.
I decided to become a writer.  I started writing about conspiracies and the more copies the readers bought and read the more thrilled I was and I wrote perplexed and horrifying stories. They were so terrifying that I started to feel frightened myself.
In order to sort things out I let you know that:
The conspirators who are trying to destroy us are of three kinds:
a.                 aliens
b.                 humans
c.                  those who live inside the earth and - if I remember well - are called Nafthalims!
There is one more type of conspirator. They are called Black Holes but they are very far away and they cannot be regarded as a threat.  They come from the collapse of stars, they create a blurring of the time space and they swallow everything, even whole galaxies. No one can escape from them; they are the most frightening. If a politician ever tells you that he can save you from them, believe him. It will be the only time he has ever told the truth.
All these categories of conspirators are invisible but they constitute the most visible threat. At least that is what we believe.

The aliens

I used to write about aliens of various colours and shapes, whose unique goal was to eliminate life on Earth, as if they didn’t have anything else to do in their free time! I would provide details about witnesses’ accounts, I was believed and was a carrier of the terror. If there are extra- terrestrials I have no knowledge of, nor am I aware of their intentions. However, I hope they won’t show up in my life. In this way I shall lead a luxurious life at the expense of my readers. Nevertheless, if - to my dismay - they do show up while I am alive and they are good-natured, won’t they demolish my whole construction?

The humans

I am not afraid of them. Moreover, I consider them to be my partners in the nice and profitable business of fear. Our goal is to control your consciences through fear, which we generously offer you, so that you will become our obedient followers. As history has shown through times with both religious and political heads, the recipe is mostly successful. We, ancient and modern conspirators, have lived affluently.


They, I can assure you, are the most terrifying. They live in an underground domain, which is called Hollow Earth, or it could be Convex Earth. It depends on the viewer’s standpoint. They conspire unintermittently. They can spring up from a place you wouldn’t expect them to. You are walking, for instance, at the beach carelessly and they suddenly appear in front of you. If you don’t die out of fear-which is the best thing to do- they will swallow you in their realm and they will turn you into a conspirator, too. If you want to survive, you should stay calm and smile. This is something they cannot cope with and they vanish.
Soon I became the talk of the day in the companies of our gullible fellow people. I became famous worldwide and I started to show off (we’ll talk about this venture shortly).
Sitting next to the swimming pool in my mansion I am enjoying my drink.
I am writing my next book, which will surely frighten you more.
Have a good night and may the fear be with you.

The Residents of the World …

Note:The translation of the Greek text into the English language was provided by Ky Al.